How to make atom default text editor mac
How to make atom default text editor mac

how to make atom default text editor mac

Moves the contents of the current cursor position down one line. If there is a line above with content, the current lines content will swap with the one above it. Moves the contents of the current cursor position up one line. Move the focus to the pane in one of the four directionsĭuplicates the line of the current cursor position and creates a new line under it with the same contents Split the currently active tab in one of the four directions Saves the currently active file under a different nameĬloses the currently active editor window Shows the Open Folder dialog, which lets you select a folder to add to the editor's Tree View Shows the Open File dialog, which lets you select a file to open in the editor Opens up the Chrome Developer Tools/Console Shows what keybindings the pressed key combination resolves to Opens the Fuzzy Finder palette in which you can search and open filesĬycles left through open tabs (in the active pane)Ĭycles right through open tabs (in the active page) Some general keyboard shortcuts that I use frequently. Where the shortcut is provided by a package, I have added a link to the package.


Please feel free to add the Windows or Linux shortcuts.

how to make atom default text editor mac

Since I'm using a Mac, I have mainly listed the keyboard shortcuts macOS. For a complete listing of all available shortcuts, consult the Settings > Keybindings page in Atom.

how to make atom default text editor mac

It simply lists the shortcuts that I use on a regular basis. This list is by no means meant to be a complete listing of every available shortcut. Feel free to fork the page and add your own favorites. This page lists keyboard shortcuts for the Atom text editor that I find valuable and use a lot.

How to make atom default text editor mac